Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Anglicanorum Coetibus UK latest developments...

From the Bishops Conference website;
The bishops warmly received the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus, and its generosity towards those seeking full visible communion with the Holy See. They established a Commission to consider in detail the next steps in this process in England and Wales. They strongly reaffirmed their continuing commitment to ecumenical relations, working for the unity of his disciples for which Christ prayed (John 17:20-21). In particular, they looked forward to the next regular meeting with the Bishops of the Church of England ever seeking to deepen the shared mission to proclaim the Good News to the society in which we live.

Anglicanorum Coetibus Commission

Responding readily to the provisions of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus, the Bishops’ Conference establishes a commission of Bishops and advisers to consider the next steps which may arise in this process.

‘The Commission is therefore available for consultation with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (cf. Anglicanorum coetibus 1§1) and to offer advice and guidance to Diocesan Bishops. Given the faculty for members of an Ordinariate “to maintain the liturgical, spiritual and pastoral traditions of the Anglican Communion within the Catholic Church, as a precious gift nourishing the faith of the members of the Ordinariate and as a treasure to be shared”(Anglicanorum coetibus III), the Commission is to advise the Bishops’ Conference on transitional arrangements for the reception of groups of Anglicans, should such requests arise. The Commission is also to consider those articles of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus and the Complementary Norms that refer to the responsibilities of the Bishops’ Conference and to present suggestions for their fulfilment. The Episcopal members of the Commission are to be Archbishop-Elect Bernard Longley, Bishop Malcolm McMahon and Bishop Alan Hopes.’
Ok... an interesting development (has similar happened in the States, is there a release from the USCCB? Not at 23:27 24/11/09).

Will the TAC in England now direct their application to this Commission or is that being done with any such application by the whole TAC directly to the CDF? Perhaps a "less than secret squirrel" will share?

For those pro the AC in England this is a positive step forward... it will be very interesting to see what the response will be by potential convert Anglicans.

The problem for (CofE) Clergy to consider now is whether they approach individually or as a group e.g. the Society of the Holy Cross together... Or whether they approach as Pastors with Parishes... The real "test of the metal" is about to take place... Will Clergy lead the way by forsaking stipend and potentially pension... Or will they rely on the fruitfulness of their catechesis of the laity for the last few years to apply [i]en masse[/i] with them... Or will they wait patiently for a general consensus and a "caravan" as the Bishop of Ebbsfleet advocates?

Sadly - and now it might appear, that Rome is playing the "spin" game - will people fall for the "unity" angle or realise their emotions are being played upon to initiate a false sense of conclusion to ecumenism and unity talks? Or have both parties decided that the "reunion not absorption" bluff card has been played and this is the end of the game?

The base line is still the same... "convert and be absorbed" or make a stand for Anglican Patrimony that means more than "surplice, scarf and hood" and "choral evensong" or aping Rome with "bells, smells and lace..."

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