Daily Traditional Latin Mass

The Traditional Latin Mass is offered daily in The Annexe of the Brighton Congress Hall, located at the junction of Union Road and Park Crescent Terrace, opposite The Level (park). On street parking is available on Union Road. Click on the photo above for a map.

Saturday 1030am and 6pm Sunday Vigil Mass
Sunday at 8.30am

Monday to Friday
8am Latin Mass

6pm English Mass

Masses at 8am and 6pm
Bank Holidays Mass 1030am

The Annexe is open for prayer 30mins prior to the advertised Mass time.
Confessions may be heard prior to Mass or by appointment.

Mass is offered according to the Gregorian Rite also known as the "Tridentine Mass" according to the codification of Pope, St Pius V and the rubrics extant in 1955. Mass booklets in English and Latin are available, Missalettes containing the Propers are available on Sundays, special Feasts and Holy Days of Obligation.